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Horticulture and agriculture website main pages

UThort.Tennessee.eduUTbeef.Tennessee.edu  UThorse.Tennessee.edu    UTdairy.Tennessee.eduUTcrops.com

Lawn and turf care 

Lawn resources   Fescue care Managing turf in shade (NC State)Weed Control and ID   
Lawn insectsBermuda lawn calendar Bermuda athletic turf 


 2024 Garden calendarGarden insects Organic fertilizers and pesticides 
 Vegetables       Ornamental pests   Understanding your potting mix report
Landscapes             Home fruit diseases and insects Understanding your soil report

Commercial vegetable productionSmall fruitsSpecialty crops
NC State Southeastern vegetable guidesmallfruits.orgSpecialty crop pathology

Animal, crop, and forage resources    

 2024 weed control manual Native grassland management 
 Crop and forage planting dates    Row crop insect and disease control 

Food plots

Landowners guide to food plots

Urban forestry

Extension urban forestry