The plant pest lab can identify insect pests. We specialize in identification of insects that are plant pests.
Sampling Instructions:
Submission sheets: Please print and mail the Submission Sheet when sending samples to the lab. Please fill out the submission sheet with as much detail as possible.
Shipping: Samples used to be preserved in alcohol, but that is a shipping hazard. County offices have or can order propylene glycol vials from the Center for safe shipping. Please contact your county office for these safe shipping vials.
Payment: Sample payment may be made online, by check in the mail with the sample, by phone with a card, or in person. Please refer to the submission sheet for updated pricing scales. Samples cannot be processed without payment and necessary information.
Live insects are not accepted. Ensure insects are placed in propylene glycol before shipping. Sticky cards for monitoring insects are also accepted.
Specific sampling recommendations
Individual Insects
- Insects must be dead.
- Insects must be shipped in clear vials of propylene glycol or brought to the lab in a clear container or clear plastic bag.
- Samples containing human skin, hair, or bodily fluids are not accepted.
Sticky Traps
- Please wrap all sticky traps submitted individually.
- Please wrap sticky traps in a transparent material such as cling wrap or in individual clear plastic baggies.
- Each trap submitted will be charged as one sample.

Acceptable Sample Images
- Individual Insect Samples: